Tuesday, March 25, 2003
Well, this is my first blog (think that's the right word?) for all the world to see. So I guess the most polite thing to say is welcome and thanks for visiting. I truly hope you leave my blog pages having acquired a deeper understanding of the workings of the universe. You might also find out what I had for lunch if you're lucky!
So, guess I owe you all a quick description of me. I'm 6'7" tall, look like Tom Hanks, my parents are King and Queen of England and I excel in most things, including singing, dancing and inventing medical cures for some of the worst illnesses that have ever hit planet Earth (see, you probably haven't even heard of many of them coz my cures were so good...)
OK, coming back to planet Earth (damnit!) I'm actually about 5'10" tall, am 'slim', blue eyes, etc. So I don't really look like Tom Hanks, but hey, he's not really that good looking. I live with my parents in a council house in London. I am actually very good at dancing (especially of the line-dancing variety).
Right, that's quite a good start for you to get your teeth into. I'll see you around - I'm gonna have a bit of a think about what I want to write next...
PS - I can't believe I got my own name on this blog! My name is almost always gone when I sign up for web thingies. Well, tis a good start indeed! sa
"The meaning of life is the life of meaning" <- Obligatory meaningful quote that should make you go "ooh, he's so cool!" If it doesn't then you're weird. Ha. sa
posted by Steven at Tuesday, March 25, 2003