Monday, June 09, 2003  
OK, so if you thought my last post took ages to come up, think again - I haven't visited here for about two whole months :s. *Mental New Year's Resolution (well Mid-Year Resolution I guess): update the world more regularly about the goings-on in Steven-World*

So what have I been up to then? (Hmm, tis interesting how I use rhetorical questions in order to get myself chatting - I wonder what that says about my psychology). Well, I've started a new job. Yep, I've been working for the last couple of weeks with a new organisation in the Children's Rights field. I'm not going to University so I can do it. I will be managing the research and evaluation on a major national training scheme - I've never done evaluation before so should be an interesting process.

My mum is still in hospital. She has been transferred from the original dump they put her in (most mental health hospitals tend to be dumps) and have placed her in a slightly less dumpy dump. If that makes sense. The new doctors find my mum intriguing I think - I told them that she will be a tough cookie to crack, don't think they took me seriously. Well, I'm betting my mum can run circles around them all: she should be able to with 40 years experience of the mental health system. I'd be truly amazed if they every get her to agree to that brain-scan... Oh, and I'm starting to see my mum's personality - may not seem like much to you, but I've always known my mum as a patient, not as a mother, so this could be kinda interesting.

I guess my life is going through a bit of a re-emphasis (cool word huh?) at the moment. I'm trying (tho not always succeeding) to sit back and carefully plan things better than I have before. I've been getting in touch with old friends (especially AL and MG - oh and AP too), which was so nice. I'm learning to look out more for myself, whilst spending more and more time (and money :s) looking after my mum.

I'm as lazy and sloppy as ever but hey, some things never change. But I'm looking at setting myself up more formally as a freelance trainer. And I'm wanting to get much more understanding of the politics of power... and other random things (eat 10 chocolate donuts without puking?)

Oh, and I just heard today that Gordon Brown has ruled out the UK joining the Euro for the moment - grr, xenophobic, idiotic nonce...

Speak to y'all soon (well, probably in about two months I guess... *Mental note pops up*...)


'Bush and Blair should be tried for war crimes'. Me, today.
   posted by Steven at Monday, June 09, 2003

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